Additional Qualifications: The Professional ASC Crisis and Trauma Counselling Diploma – qualified in 2019 (BSY)
EMDR: Ongoing training (EMDREUROPE)
Learning about and working with trauma has been an ongoing area of my professional growth. In addition to the typical counselling sessions, which will include trauma processing, I am offering the following forms of support.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Within the first week of the aftermath of a Critical event it is believed to be beneficial for those significantly impacted, to be offered this opportunity to collectively establish the facts and make best sense of what has happened. To then be able to normalise the range of initial reactions to the event and identify their own traumatic symptoms, creates an opportunity to introduce psycho-educative and practical input and also to signpost to follow-on support options.
Organisations choose either to offer this group-activity, to employees, as a half day or as followed by time slots for one-to-one counselling. Others may prefer to offer a whole day as a trauma counselling drop-in option.
In support of processing traumatic events, I am able to offer EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing). This approach to relieving the post-traumatic symptoms can benefit those who may not have found the outcomes they hope for from the other talking therapies, however for this approach I only offer a longer 90 minute session.
- On-site CISD: half day of 4 hrs cost £300 or with drop-in of 3 hrs cost £500
- On-site Trauma Counselling: one-to-one, drop-in of 7 hrs cost £500
- EMDR: 90 min session cost £50